Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday Aging in Place

On Wednesdays, Laurie Orlov, tech industry veteran, writer, speaker and elder care advocate will be sharing her insightful research on how seniors can safely and successfully live independent lives in the home of their choice.


What Does Avatar Have To Do With Aging in Place

Submitted by Liz Boehm on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 22:21

Ok, I'll admit it. I went and saw Avatar last weekend and I loved it. Yes, the tree-hugger message was a little overplayed. And the 3D left me a little nauseated more than once. But there was also a lot there and I think I'll be unpacking this one for a while. What do big blue aliens have to do with aging in place? Beyond the respect for elders and communal living environment, there was one other concept that the aging-in-place market can latch onto: "I see you." For the uninitiated, this is not a simple statement meaning "you are in my line of sight" or even "hi." It means, "I see and acknowledge who you are."

I'm hoping that this concept catches on. Because it will make the connectivity and contribution aspects of aging in place so much easier to explain. On the connectivity side, "I see you" is about video-conferencing that's so simple you can look your aging loved ones in the eyes and really paying attention to how they are doing. I recently skyped with my parents for the first time -- it makes a difference. Or, on a different scale, I recently took a briefing from Wellcore, a company that created a PERS 2.0 system that includes a capability for a caregiver to not just monitor their loved one, but also to send messages on a built-in communication platform.

On the contribution side, "I see you" is about platforms that let seniors tell their stories. Right now, solutions focus mostly on the verbal, eliciting the words that describe a senior's history and experience. But with media-digitizing solutions from companies like ScanCafe, DigMyPics, and FotoBridge, these stories will soon be multi-media, allowing seniors to tell their stories in multiple dimensions.

One last thought on Avatar. The mind-meld between humans and a genetically modified avatar body may seem far-fetched, but it's compelling. Anyone who has created their Mii and then watched it cavort across the screen playing tennis or bowling or boxing knows that.

For more information, visit Laurie at Place Technology Department at

1 comment:

Rita said...

I have been looking at the previews and it makes me nervous, but I have a feeling my husband would love to go. I will let you know if I am brave enough.